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A Preliminary Study of Flashes of Light Recorded During the Collapse of the South Tower

Soren RK

by Søren Roest Korsgaard May 2024 Søren Roest Korsgaard is an author, webmaster, and publisher. His publications have appeared in the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology and Health Science Reports, among others. (To download this document, click the DOWNLOAD ICON in the

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ASCE Journals Refuse to Correct Fraudulent Paper Published on WTC Collapses


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, an vix melius menandri consulatu. Ei mollis commune omittantur sea. Sonet iudicabit deseruisse ex mei, ut quo dicit nullam gubergren. Ridens discere adversarium sed ex, id mei etiam probatus urbanitas. Zril pertinacia ea usu, at pri indoctum intellegebat.

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Did The Earth Shake Before The South Tower Hit The Ground?


by Graeme MacQueen July, 2009

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Extremely High Temperatures During the World Trade Center Destruction


by Steven E. Jones, Jeffrey Farrer, Gregory S. Jenkins, Frank Legge, James Gourley, Kevin Ryan, Daniel Farnsworth, and Crockett Grabbe January 2008 (To download this document, click the DOWNLOAD ICON in the viewer toolbar.) The temperatures required for molten sphere-formation and evaporation of

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